The brainchild of Violette Taquet, Eunomart is a software package designed to help art professionals deal with a real problem: implementing the due diligence measures imposed by the various European Directives on the fight against money laundering and the financing of terrorism, no less!
Rémi Lefort, Head of Product and Information Systems and co-founder of Eunomart , takes the floor in this article:
Rémi is responsible for imagining and planning the software's evolution, supervising developments andensuring the availability and security of the tool offered by Eunomart. He is well supported by a three-person technical team:
- Romain, a senior consultant who supports the team in its technical vision, challenges it in terms of quality levels and code architecture, and ensures that it is properly applied.
- Anthony, a developer who started out at Eunomart as a trainee, then on a work-study programme before taking on a long-term contract. He has coded a large part of the product we are marketing today!
- Victor, a developer who works in particular on the user experience, to offer a tool that is increasingly ergonomic and adapted to our customers.
To develop the platform, Romain, Rémi, Anthony and Victor work together to ensure the continuous improvement of the product by following a roadmap fed by several inputs: the company's strategic ambitions, regulatory developments, the needs of our current and future customers, technological innovations and employee ideas.
This dynamic approach means that new versions, or even complete overhauls, are frequently rolled out, allowing us to develop and create new functionalities with the aim of providing you with the best possible support in your compliance process. For example, in the most recent version, we have made a point of facilitating the experience of completing an assessment. It has been reworked to make this daunting task quicker and more efficient.
These versions are also continually reworked in the context of fulfilling our promise, which is that ofa platform that is 100% compliant with the LCB-FT and its articulation around the regulations and laws specific to each country.
This commitment is ensured by working with expert lawyers in each country, in particular Solène Clément in France, a lawyer with expertise in LCB-FT and head of compliance and legal watch for Eunomart.
By relying on Eunomart, you are relieved of the burden of legal monitoring and the obligation to carry out certain checks that are now automated on the platform: checks on politically exposed persons, the validity of identity documents, consultation of the assets freeze register.
We also guarantee the security and confidentiality of your data. Our in-house security policy is strict : access is restricted to authorised persons depending on the sensitivity of the tools and data, secure work environments with up-to-date workstations, secure emails and passwords, etc. What's more, we've made a point of using the latest technologies that comply with the highest security standards and whose suppliers are constantly on the lookout to keep up to date on this subject.
Have your curiosity been piqued and would you like to find out more about Eunomart? Contact us to request a demonstration !