Who is Eunomart? What is Eunomart?

Created in 2021 by Violette Taquet and Rémi Lefort, Eunomart aims to help professionals apply the AML/CFT Directive. Designed to simplify this complex process, the tool suggests a series of questions that comply with the legal framework, making it easier to achieve compliance. Solène Clement, a lawyer specialising in LCB-FT, ensures that users can concentrate on their core business. Eunomart is designed to be clear, intuitive and fast, in line with legal requirements.

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Created by Violette Taquet and Rémi Lefort in 2021, Eunomart has been designed with the sole aim of helping you apply the LCB-FT Directive.

Aware that this is a new and unfamiliar situation for some, and difficult to grasp for others, it seemed obvious to us to respond to this need.

In our tool, you will find a series of questions, all constructed in strict compliance with the legal framework laid down by the Directive, to help you achieve compliance.

Solène Clement, a partner in the project and above all an expert lawyer in LCB-FT, has ensured that you can be fully compliant so that you can focus on your core business.

Our solution was built with the sole aim of simplifying your compliance with AML/CFT requirements. The tool itself has been designed along the same lines: clear, intuitive and fast.

Why don't we get to know each other better ?
In person, by video or by telephone, we will be delighted to present our solution to you.
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