WEBINAR 26/04/2023: Q&A on AML, compliance for the art market?

The webinar on 26 April 2023, hosted by Violette Taquet, founder of Eunomart, and Solène Clément, lawyer at the Paris Bar and founding president of OLAB, addressed the regulations and the 5th Directive 2020 on the fight against money laundering and terrorist financing, specifically for art professionals.

x min de lecture

Webinar held on 26 April 2023, organised and moderated by Violette Taquet, founder of Eunomart, and Solène Clément, contributing partner ofEunomart, lawyer at the Paris Bar and founding President of OLAB.

Like the Webinar on 31 May 2023, new questions relating to the regulations and the 5th Directive 2020 on the fight against money laundering and terrorist financing have been clarified for art professionals.

These interactive webinars take place every last Wednesday of the month and are open to all.  For more information, contact us via Linkedin or at eunomart.com

Chapters :
00:00 Introduction
02:39 How long have I been assessing my customers?
05:20 Is it appropriate to carry out a customer assessment after the sale has taken place?
14:17 Should we assess the customer or the person paying for them?
15:12 Case study of an art professional
20:03 Should everyone involved in paying for a work be appraised?
22:03 How do we fulfil this duty of care for foreign customers?
24:02 If information on the client cannot be found, should a declaration be made to TRACFIN?
24:50 Should a suspicion be reported if the sale has already taken place?
26:59 Visualisation of the Eunomart software
30:48 What is the obligation to consult the national register of assets?
32:51 Conclusion

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